For all courses 所有的课程
- Fees placed are valid for ONE YEAR.
- 缴上的学费有效期是一年。
- If student is unable to attend the registered class after given THREE commencement dates, spread within the valid period, the fees paid shall be forfeited.
- 如在有效期内学生接到学院3次不同开课日通知后还是无法上已报了名的课程,所缴的学费将被作废。
- Fee paid is not refundable but maybe exchangeable for products or courses available in the school.
- 所缴的学费不能以现金退还但可以学院所销售的产品或课程交换。
- There will be no replacement of class for any lesson missed.
- 不补偿所缺的课时。
- Not available to change when the courses start
- 一旦开课后不允许更换课程
Attendance 出席率
- Please ensure that you fill up the attendance sheet when you come in for class.
- 请记得在上课与下课时签到。
- 15 minutes grace is given for late coming and after which shall be treated as being absent for the class.
- 请准时上课,宽限时间是15分钟,过后将以缺课为记录。
- Attendance that is less than 80% shall not be eligible to sit for any examination.
- 出席率少过80%学生将不能参与任何考试
- Please provide letter of absence should you are not able to attend classes.
- 如不能出席,请呈上请假书。
- For company sponsored trainee, the sponsored company shall be informed of your absence.
- 凡由雇用公司赞助的学生,如缺席,公司将会接到通知。
Attire and General Behaviour while in the premise 穿着和在学院内时的举止
- Full uniform will have to be put on while attending any class。
- 凡上课时得穿上制服。
- All hair that is from shoulder length downward must be neatly plaited if not bun up.
- 到肩的长发都得保持整齐、梳起。
- All female students are to put on light make-up as this is part of your grooming and you will be assessed throughout the course. Please observe personal hygiene.
- 所有女生都得化上淡妆,这是应有的修饰而且在整个上课过程中将有评估,请注意个人卫生。
- Please do switch all electronic communicators to silent mode while attending class.
- 上课时请将手机调到静态。
- Please observe noise level while in school so as not to disturb the other ongoing classes.
- 请注意声量以免影响到其他人上课。
- Take note that you will have to compensate the school accordingly should you break any items that belong to the school.
- 如破坏学院所属物品,学生将依价赔赏。
- At no time is smoking allowed in the training premise.
- 在学院任何角落都不准抽烟。
- No eating or drinking in class except plain water.
- 在学院里禁吃喝除了白开水。
- No videoing and taping during class.
- 上课时不可录音或录影。
- Keep classroom clean and tidy
- 上课期间保持课室卫生,用后的所有工具归回原位并摆放整齐。
Examination 考试
- All trainees will have to go through school examination before attempting examinations awarded by an international body.
- 所有学生必须参加学校考试及格后,方可参加国际考试。
- All outstanding course fees must be fulfilled before school examinations.
- 在参加学校考试前,所有费用需缴清。
- Any attendance that has fallen short of requirement, the trainee will not be allowed to participate in an examination. The candidate will have to pay examination fee again for the next examination.
- 如上课出席率未能达到要求,学员将不能参加考试,重考必须另外缴考费。
- Please be punctual for any examination. Keep time stipulated by your trainer. Any late comers may be barred from entering an examination hall.
- 请准时出席考试,依导师所指定的时间到考场报道,如迟到,老师或考官有权利禁考生入考场。
- If you need re-take the exam, you must complete the exam within one year, to pay examination fee again for the next examination
- 如需重考,必须在一年内完成考试,重考必须缴考试费。
Rules and Regulations are subject to changes by the discretion of the Principal Office and students shall be notified by display on the school notice board.
*Classes are accurate at the point of time registration is signed. All classes & schedule are subjected to changes and to be confirmed & clarified by respective trainers.